WordPress at scale within the Norwegian Government

The Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation facilitates and runs over 75 WordPress sites on behalf of all the ministries, and have a long history with WordPress. It started out with themebuilder and a standard theme, but as the platform grew, it became nearly impossible to maintain and support due to all the possibilities and variations. The internal team spent most of their time supporting what was already there, and had little time for innovation and optimisations.

Together with Dekode, they have now rebuilt the platform, and made their own modular custom theme, with a flexible but common design system in place. This allows them to spin up new, complex sites within days instead of weeks, freeing up both capacity and resources to further develop the platform, and to better serve their clients.

The platform has been designed for scale from the start and all further development contributes to the platform as a whole.

This talk will cover both sides of the story. From within G.S.S.O, and how it has changed the way they work with, and deliver WordPress. How a project like this is a partnership with a large dose of mutual trust. How a design and code system can save a lot of time and money. And last but not least, how this way of working is a lot more fun for everyone involved.

